Definition of dick-head (n.): jerk*

On a recent road-bike ride I was a dick-head* to someone who was, in my opinion, a dick-head to me. Here's some advice: don't be a dick-head unless you're an experienced dick-head (not me, I think) because being an inexperienced dick-head is bad for your overall wellness (perhaps for experienced dicks, too). Rather than unleashing your inner dick-head, stand down, have a pint, or do whatever's needed to dampen "you as dick-head" writ large. More than the ill effects on your mental and physical health is that, in my opinion (again), there are enough dick-heads having their day. You (and I, I think) can do better. Once you're home you can punch the sh**t out of your inner dick-head, and then watch "I Love Dick", the new TV series that's not at all (sort of, in my opinion) about being a dick-head.
